
PLA 2012: Powerful Advice, Practical Solutions

March 21, 2012

Admit it: You snag free books and party at receptions. But who would come to PLA2012 if there weren’t also meaningful programs, new products, great speakers, and networking opportunities? At ALA’s Public Library Association (PLA) National Conference in Philadelphia March 13–17, more than 6,000 attendees packed meeting rooms and the exhibit hall for all of … Continue reading PLA 2012: Powerful Advice, Practical Solutions

To Catch a Library Thief: Black Belt Security

March 21, 2012

Graham peppered his talk with anecdotes as he described how to create and maintain safer libraries. He should know.  He’s a frequent presenter on security at ALA and the author of the 2006 classic Black Belt Librarians: Every Librarian’s Real World Guide to a Safer Workplace (now published as The Black Belt Librarian: Real-World Safety and … Continue reading To Catch a Library Thief: Black Belt Security


Directions to Library Wayfinding

March 20, 2012

Signage is one of the most important tools for wayfinding. If there is one truism about library signage, it is that most of it is not very good. Understanding the mistakes that lead to bad signage is the first step on the road to creating good ones. Libraries need to recognize that signage is a … Continue reading Directions to Library Wayfinding


Library Design Showcase 2012

March 8, 2012

As the transformation of libraries continues, it follows that the physical structure would have to transform as well to support changes in services, missions, and audiences. The 2012 Library Design Showcase highlights the best in new and newly renovated library buildings, divided into sections that each focus on one architectural aspect. Sections will be posted … Continue reading Library Design Showcase 2012


The Once and Future Library

March 6, 2012

To some librarians it must seem like a perfect storm: Budgets are being slashed, ebooks suddenly are outselling their print ancestors, electronic movies on demand are slowing over-the-counter DVD lending, and the general public can find answers to their basic reference-oriented questions online. In what history may well mark as an important milestone in how … Continue reading The Once and Future Library

Library History and Women’s History: An Ongoing Convergence

February 29, 2012

The convergence of women’s history and library history at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition heralded the beginnings of a tradition of advocacy that would shape our profession for the next 100 years and beyond. As American women entered librarianship in the late 19th century, they focused on issues of professional equity, on services to women … Continue reading Library History and Women’s History: An Ongoing Convergence


Women in the White City

February 29, 2012

Next year will be the 120th anniversary of the World’s Columbian Exposition, more commonly known as the Chicago World’s Fair—a grand event that lasted six months, attracted 27 million visitors, and introduced attendees to the Ferris Wheel, shredded wheat, and belly dancing. Although you won’t learn it from Erik Larson’s bestseller The Devil in the … Continue reading Women in the White City


Newsmaker: Jamal Joseph

February 22, 2012

AMERICAN LIBRARIES: Your book offers so many lessons, especially for today’s youth. Is that why you decided to tell your story? JAMAL JOSEPH: It actually is. I work with young people in New York and travel the country speaking to high school and college students. The book is written through the curious eyes and passionate … Continue reading Newsmaker: Jamal Joseph