US Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi, Tech Logic to Honor Enoch Pratt Free Library

June 26, 2015

US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Tech Logic Corporation President Gary Kirk are honoring the Pennsylvania Avenue branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore with Tech Logic’s inaugural People First Award. The award will be presented June 26, at 5:15 p.m., in the Esplanade Ballroom of the Moscone Center during the … Continue reading Nancy Pelosi, Tech Logic to Honor Enoch Pratt Free Library

Jacqueline Woodson named Young People’s Poet Laureate

June 3, 2015

The role of the young people’s poet laureate is to raise awareness that young people have a natural receptivity to poetry and are its most appreciative audience, especially when poems are written specifically for them. The $25,000 laureate title is given to a living writer in recognition of a career devoted to writing exceptional poetry for … Continue reading Jacqueline Woodson named Young People’s Poet Laureate

Jacqueline Woodson, National Book Award Winner for Brown Girl Dreaming. Photo: Marty Umans.

Newsmaker: Jacqueline Woodson

March 2, 2015

Having split her youth between South Carolina and Brooklyn, New York, her books explore themes of gender, class, and race, as well as history and family. She received the Margaret A. Edwards Award for lifetime achievement in writing for young adults in 2005. In an email to American Libraries, she discussed the importance of capturing the childhood experience, the significance of diversity … Continue reading Newsmaker: Jacqueline Woodson

The Way I See It

September 17, 2014

In the books I read, no one carried magnifiers or large print texts for class. No one used a cane or needed special programs on their computers. If they did, those characters were either superheroes whose powers essentially negated their disability or they were broken characters meant to be pitied. They never mirrored my experience … Continue reading The Way I See It


Honoring Excellence and Leadership in the Library Profession

September 15, 2014

Each year, the American Library Association (ALA) recognizes the achievements of more than 200 individuals and institutions with various awards. This selection represents only a portion of those honored in 2014 but who are notable for their contributions to the field of librarianship. New this year, the Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced with … Continue reading Honoring Excellence and Leadership in the Library Profession

Chicago Is Among Five Library Medalists Named by IMLS

April 24, 2014

CPL’s distinction is the culmination of several particularly innovative years for the 80-branch system. In fall 2012 the system opened a joint public–high school library facility that made the cover of American Libraries’ September/October 2012 issue. In that same issue, CPL’s prototype Innovation Lab received a shout out. Since then, freelance AL blogger Timothy Inklebarger … Continue reading Chicago Is Among Five Library Medalists Named by IMLS


Honoring Excellence and Leadership

October 2, 2013

Each year, the American Library Association recognizes the achievements of more than 200 individuals and institutions with various awards. Chosen by juries consisting of colleagues and peers, this year’s award winners were chosen for their leadership and vision, as well as their continued investment in the profession through mentorship. The following honorees represent only a … Continue reading Honoring Excellence and Leadership