The “Landmark Undertaking” of the Tulane Libraries Recovery Center

August 27, 2015

This post is the sixth of a six-part series commemorating libraries and librarians 10 years after Hurricane Katrina. Yet Howard-Tilton reopened the same day classes resumed at Tulane in January 2006. “It was a little rocky that first semester,” says Corrigan. “The first day we brought staff back we had a glitch and didn’t have power … Continue reading The “Landmark Undertaking” of the Tulane Libraries Recovery Center

Damage sustained to the Hancock County (Miss.) Library System's Waveland branch (left) from Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the new Waveland Public Library (right) that reopened in 2011. Photos: Hancock County Library System

10 Years After Katrina: Commemorating Libraries and Librarians

August 25, 2015

In this six-part series, American Libraries looks back at the stories of libraries and librarians in the 10 years since Katrina. Reflecting on our October 2005 coverage, we remember the librarians who provided services in extraordinary circumstances. We recall the libraries that recovered because of the generosity of others. While Katrina can be a difficult topic for those … Continue reading 10 Years After Katrina: Commemorating Libraries and Librarians

Jefferson Parish (La.) Library's (JPL) Grand Isle branch (left) destroyed after Hurricane Katrina, and the newly rebuilt Grand Isle Library (right) that opened in 2012. JPL was one of the library systems the State Library of Louisiana communicated with following the storm. Photos: Jefferson Parish Library

Business Continuity Over Collections Recovery

August 25, 2015

This post is the second in a six-part series commemorating libraries and librarians 10 years after Hurricane Katrina. “With Hurricane Andrew in 1992 it was more about, ‘Let’s save the books.’ Katrina was the first real storm post-internet,” says Hamilton. Hamilton and her staff got to work immediately, creating and hosting a website of resources for … Continue reading Business Continuity Over Collections Recovery

Jefferson Parish (La.) Library staff stands near a bookmobile from Waukegan (Ill.) Public Library and cybermobile from Muncie (Ind.) Public Library outside of the destroyed Grand Isle branch post-Katrina.Photo: Jefferson Parish Library

Millions in Damage at Jefferson Parish Library

August 25, 2015

This post is the first in a six-part series commemorating libraries and librarians 10 years after Hurricane Katrina. “I can’t say enough, how I felt personally, when the American Library Association came,” says Haddican, who was working in the IT department of Jefferson Parish Library (JPL), headquartered in Metairie, Louisiana, at the time. She commends … Continue reading Millions in Damage at Jefferson Parish Library