
Council II: Resolution to Condemn Destruction of Gaza Libraries Passes
January 21, 2024The Council II agenda was adopted (CD#8.2) and Drabinski addressed memorial resolutions honoring Hwa-Wei Lee (M-#1), George Needham (M-#2), Candy Morgan (M-#3) , Betty-Carol Sellen (M-#4), Adonna “Donna” C. Fleming (M-#5), and Donna Louise Gilton (M-#6). She also announced tribute resolutions recognizing the 10th anniversary of the Sustainability Round Table (T-#1) and honoring retiring Maryland … Continue reading Council II: Resolution to Condemn Destruction of Gaza Libraries Passes

2023 International Innovators
July 19, 2023The citations, chosen by the International Relations Round Table (IRRT), were the creation of 2007–2008 ALA President Loriene Roy. The awards recognize exemplary services and projects that draw attention to libraries that are creating positive change, demonstrating sustainability, and providing a model for others. The winners were honored this year during IRRT’s International Librarians Reception … Continue reading 2023 International Innovators

A Global New Normal
June 26, 2023The session “From Pandemic to Endemic: Global Experiences and Perspectives on an OCLC New Model Library Framework” brought together library workers from three continents alongside members of the research team who created the model to explore commonalities and key differences in how international libraries experienced the pandemic. Clara M. Chu, director of the Mortenson Center … Continue reading A Global New Normal

A Global Impact
May 1, 2023For me, this was on full view during my international travels representing ALA last year. When other library workers and I attended the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions’ World Library and Information Congress (IFLA WLIC) in Dublin, Ireland, in July, we heard from Mary Robinson, the first female president of Ireland who now … Continue reading A Global Impact

ALA Supports Human Rights in Iran
December 9, 2022The American Library Association (ALA) supports its Iranian colleagues and the people of Iran in their efforts for human rights, including women’s rights and freedom of speech and expression. ALA has adopted Article 19 of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights into its policies. It states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of … Continue reading ALA Supports Human Rights in Iran

A Helping Hand
November 1, 2022American Libraries spoke with three members of the library community who have rallied in support of Ukraine through efforts to preserve cultural information, raise funds for its libraries and affected population, and help its refugees settle in new places: Kristin Parker, lead curator and manager of the arts at Boston Public Library (BPL); Michael Dowling, … Continue reading A Helping Hand

Call Number Podcast: Support for Ukraine
August 12, 2022First, Call Number host Diana Panuncial speaks with Kristin Parker, lead curator and manager of the arts at Boston Public Library. Parker is part of a network of first responders working against the clock to preserve Ukraine’s cultural history and provide preservation advice to library workers on the ground. Next, American Libraries Editor and Publisher … Continue reading Call Number Podcast: Support for Ukraine

2022 International Innovators
July 20, 2022The citations began as an initiative of 2007–2008 ALA President Loriene Roy. Presented by the International Relations Round Table, the awards recognize exemplary services and projects that draw attention to libraries creating positive change, demonstrating sustainability, and providing a model for others to follow. This year’s winners are Run Run Shaw Library at City University … Continue reading 2022 International Innovators

Reading Ukraine
March 15, 2022Nonfiction All the Kremlin’s Men: Inside the Court of Vladimir Putin, by Mikhail Zygar (PublicAffairs, 2016) Russian journalist Zygar portrays four Putins—“Putin I the Lionheart,” “Putin II the Magnificent,” “Prince Dmitry,” and “Putin the Terrible”—while presenting a thorough accounting of his many crimes against humanity. What Zygar discovered is that Putin’s inner circle has been … Continue reading Reading Ukraine

ALA Stands with Ukrainian Library Community
March 1, 2022ALA and its divisions support our Ukrainian colleagues and will work with the global library community to answer the appeal from the Ukrainian Library Association to provide accurate information as a means to support democracy and freedom of expression. ALA has adopted into its policies Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human … Continue reading ALA Stands with Ukrainian Library Community

Solidarity on Sustainability
November 1, 2021The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of scientists convened by the United Nations, issued an assessment so stark, the UN secretary-general called its findings a “code red for humanity.” Writing in The New York Times in response to the report, Greta Thunberg and other young climate activists took adults to task: “For children … Continue reading Solidarity on Sustainability