Screenshot from the "Top Ten Challenged Books of 2016" video, part of the State of America's Libraries 2017 report.

State of America’s Libraries 2017

April 10, 2017

The term “fake news” is recent, but the skills needed to evaluate information are not. Librarians provide users with expertise and the training needed to evaluate the quality of information in all formats. The report shows that the library community continues to share best practices to help fuel efforts to combat disinformation. With the massive … Continue reading State of America’s Libraries 2017

Dewey Decibel March 2017 podcast logo

Dewey Decibel Podcast: Celebrating Women’s History

March 31, 2017

Host Phil Morehart talks to Julie Foudy, former professional soccer player for the US women’s national team, ESPN analyst and reporter, and 2017 National Library Week Honorary Chair, about her book, Choose to Matter: Being Courageously and Fabulously You (Disney Publishing Worldwide, 2017). American Libraries associate editor Terra Dankowski sits down with Donna Seaman, editor of adult books at Booklist, to discuss … Continue reading Dewey Decibel Podcast: Celebrating Women’s History

Artwork for the 1958 National Library Week campaign

National Library Week

April 13, 2016

By any measure, the event was a huge success: Some 68 million subscribers to 22 national magazines could read well-placed articles about libraries. A total of 170 million homes served by radio and TV could hear or view 14 network programs on libraries. Readers could glean 11,607 stories celebrating libraries running in newspapers at the … Continue reading National Library Week

National Library Workers Day logo

National Library Workers Day

April 14, 2015

To honor them, the American Library Association–Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) gathered testimonials about library workers from all 50 US states, the District of Columbia, and some international libraries, and posted them as a “Galaxy of Stars” on the National Library Workers Day page. Here are just a few of the people mentioned there: “Lori Dekydtspotter, from … Continue reading National Library Workers Day

Creating Curious Minds

April 8, 2015

Publisher Simon & Schuster announced it would donate a free ebook copy of Academy Award–winning producer Brian Grazer’s new book, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life (coauthored by journalist Charles Fishman), to school and public libraries for every ebook or hardcover book sold at retail, up to 5,000 copies. The book and … Continue reading Creating Curious Minds


Newsmaker: Judy Blume

April 15, 2014

I know you’re not supposed to ask this of writers, but how’s the current book going? Slowly! It’s never good for me to stop and start, and with this book I’ve had to do that several times. Two years off to write and produce the Tiger Eyes movie. Months away from it for other reasons. But … Continue reading Newsmaker: Judy Blume