ALA COVID-19 Library Relief Updade

What the American Rescue Plan Act Means for Libraries

March 12, 2021

Of the $200 million for IMLS, $178 million is allocated for the Library Services and Technology Act and will go to state library administrative agencies on a population-based formula. IMLS announced state allotments for ARPA funding in a March 11 press release. Because there is a $2 million state minimum, every state will receive a … Continue reading What the American Rescue Plan Act Means for Libraries

From the President, by Julius C. Jefferson Jr.

A Place within ALA

March 1, 2021

What do these events mean for libraries and the Association? Libraries and library workers had an important role leading up to the 2020 presidential election by encouraging and supporting voter registration, which led to more than 66% of eligible voters participating—making 2020 the most engaged election since 1900. No matter who you voted for, as … Continue reading A Place within ALA

A Transition Plan for Library Advocates

November 13, 2020

Based on campaign pledges, the Biden-Harris administration will be more favorable to education investment and the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion. President-Elect Joe Biden’s cabinet selections will likely indicate a significant shift in policy around education, telecommunications, workforce issues, and many other areas. However, the change of leadership in the White House does not … Continue reading A Transition Plan for Library Advocates

New York Library Association members and staffers meet virtually with Christina Henderson (bottom row, pink shirt), Legislative Assistant for U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) handling education, workforce, and census issues for both the Senate leadership and Sen. Schumer’s personal office.

Pushing for Action on LSFA

September 14, 2020

LSFA (S. 4181/H.R. 7486) would establish a $2 billion emergency fund to address financial losses and bolster library services for libraries of all types, with priority given to the hardest-hit communities. Most of the funding ($1.7 billion) would go directly to states to meet local library needs such as avoiding furloughs, providing safe workspaces, or … Continue reading Pushing for Action on LSFA

COVID-19 policy update

Congress Introduces Library Stabilization Fund Act

July 8, 2020

Gaining cosponsors for the LSFA is important. While Congress provided $50 million in emergency funding for libraries to support digital connectivity in the CARES Act in March, there is currently almost no dedicated support for America’s libraries in new COVID-19 relief packages, although healthcare, small businesses, and numerous other sectors have been included. The Senate is currently crafting … Continue reading Congress Introduces Library Stabilization Fund Act

COVID-19 policy update

HEROES Act Stalls in Senate

May 22, 2020

Despite the 101 representatives who called for $2 billion in funding for libraries, a bipartisan letter signed by 46 senators calling for new library stabilization funding, and a coalition of 35 national organizations, the HEROES Act provided only $5 million for libraries through the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The HEROES Act does aim to increase digital equity. The House bill provides $4 billion to expand high-speed internet access to those who cannot afford it, … Continue reading HEROES Act Stalls in Senate

COVID-19 policy update

ALA Rallies Support for Congressional COVID-19 Relief Packages

May 12, 2020

According to the letter, “COVID-19 has caused significant revenue losses for libraries, resulting in thousands of furloughs and layoffs to date. Fiscal stabilization is needed to preserve crucial library services for students, job seekers, and small businesses.” Citing significant support for libraries in Congress, the letter’s signatories wrote, “We join with more than 100 bipartisan … Continue reading ALA Rallies Support for Congressional COVID-19 Relief Packages