Author Archive: Steve Zalusky

Rhone Talsma

Newsmaker: Rhone Talsma

February 1, 2022

On January 26, Talsma earned a spot in Jeopardy! history when he unseated fellow contestant Amy Schneider, who had racked up a 40-game winning streak, the second highest on the iconic game show. Talsma, multimedia librarian at Chicago Ridge (Ill.) Public Library, was the most recent in an impressive line of successful library contestants that … Continue reading Newsmaker: Rhone Talsma

Libraries = Strong Communities rally attendees.

Celebrating Libraries = Strong Communities

June 23, 2019

Libraries = Strong Communities sought to highlight the value of academic, public, and school libraries, and to create a groundswell of support at local, state, national, and global levels. Rally attendees wore blue T-shirts with the Libraries = Strong Communities slogan, and state chapter representatives lifted signs inscribed with their state names. “Over the past … Continue reading Celebrating Libraries = Strong Communities

Los Angeles City Librarian John Szabo (front row, from left), Councilmember David Ryu, and ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo hold a giant check for nearly $4.8 million, symbolizing the efforts of the nearly 7,500 volunteers who contributed 164,000 hours of work in Los Angeles Public Library's 73 locations in 2018. Photo: Los Angeles Public Library

Celebrating LA Libraries

May 21, 2019

Garcia-Febo attended a dinner May 13 with members of Reforma, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking. Flanked by Garcia-Febo and more than 40 LAPL volunteers, Los Angeles City Councilmember David Ryu offered a resolution declaring May 14 “Libraries = Strong Communities Day” and presented a volunteer … Continue reading Celebrating LA Libraries

ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo holds a proclamation from the city of North Miami, Florida, during a Libraries = Strong Communities rally at North Miami Public Library February 9. From left: Councilwoman Carol Keys, Councilman Alix Desulme, Garcia-Febo, and Library Director Lucia Gonzalez.

Libraries = Strong Communities Tour Heads to Florida

February 12, 2019

NMPL has experienced a dramatic transformation, recently finishing a renovation that included the addition of new public computers, interactive learning devices, and a multipurpose area for classes and workshops. Library Director Lucia M. Gonzalez opened the proceedings, telling the crowd, “Libraries bring communities together.” Members of the North Miami City Council presented a proclamation issued … Continue reading Libraries = Strong Communities Tour Heads to Florida

ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo at the Rally for Libraries, Seattle Public Library.

Libraries = Strong Communities Tour Reaches Seattle

January 26, 2019

An estimated crowd of 150 vociferous library supporters, many holding signs supporting public and school libraries, gathered about the podium as Garcia-Febo fired up the crowd with a stirring call to action on behalf of libraries of all types. Several audience members held up signs with the hashtag #spslibrarians in support of libraries in Seattle … Continue reading Libraries = Strong Communities Tour Reaches Seattle

ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo (center) and students at Cranston (R.I.) High School East pose in the school's library.

Setting 21st-Century Standards

October 26, 2018

Garcia-Febo used the opportunity to recognize the work of school libraries, especially highlighting the library at Cranston High School East for adopting the American Association of School Librarians’ National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries. Librarian and Media Specialist Heidi Blais, who was named Cranston’s Teacher of the Year in 2014, … Continue reading Setting 21st-Century Standards

ALA President Loida Garcia-Febo (center) speaks at a rally at Cambridge (Mass.) Public Library. Photo: Mark Ostow Photography

A Call to Access

October 23, 2018

Garcia-Febo said one reason Cambridge was featured on her tour is the city’s commitment to providing everyone with equal access to information. She said Cambridge Public Library (CPL) has been especially vocal about providing assistance and resources to people who are under sanctuary city protection. She highlighted the importance of academic libraries by surveying the … Continue reading A Call to Access

During the tour of the Library of Congress Culpeper facility, guests learn about nitrate film decomposition from Nitrate Film Vault Manager George Willeman (center). Photo: Steve Zalusky

Crowdsourcing Cinema

June 22, 2017

Nearly 200 people had gathered for a labor of love and a test of their research skills and knowledge of film history June 15–17 at the Library of Congress’s (LC) Packard Campus for Audio-Visual Conservation in Culpeper, Virginia. The 45-acre campus is where LC acquires, preserves, and provides access to the world’s largest and most comprehensive … Continue reading Crowdsourcing Cinema

Columbia College Banned Books Week Read-Out

October 2, 2015

During events on September 29 and 30 and October 1, students, library staff, and other participants took turns reading aloud from banned books, including James Joyce’s Ulysses, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, and Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.  A library cart stacked with books was wrapped in yellow tape bearing the … Continue reading Columbia College Banned Books Week Read-Out