Headshot of Sheila Craft-Morgan

Citational Justice

June 3, 2024

These findings contribute to the notion that scholarly knowledge comes from a homogenous group of researchers, thereby overlooking the contributions of other groups. This phenomenon has been referred to as epistemological racism or screening, among other terms. In 2017, I read about the “Cite Black Women” campaign founded by Christen A. Smith, an anthropologist whose … Continue reading Citational Justice

Headshot of Library's Library columnist Reanna Esmail

Instruction Junction

June 3, 2024

Teaching Machines: The History of Personalized Learning By Audrey Watters Artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize education—or so many tech tycoons and venture capitalists commonly claim. As this title demonstrates, these promises are not novel, and their echoes can be heard in histories of educational technologies once known as teaching machines. Putting current AI hype into … Continue reading Instruction Junction

Photo of ALA President Emily Drabinski

At Our Core

May 1, 2024

But here’s one that’s hard to answer: “What’s your favorite library?” When you’ve seen as many amazing libraries as I have, it’s impossible to choose. For example, I’ve met with Jennifer DeCarlo, director of Easton Library in Greenwich, New York, who maintains an onsite fridge with fresh food for those in need. And Chulin Meng, … Continue reading At Our Core

Headshot of Harrison W. Infeku

Scholarly Publishing for All

May 1, 2024

The current backlash against DEI is playing out in libraries and legislative buildings, on campuses, and at the ballot box, with many efforts targeting the works of authors of color and members of the LGBTQ community. Efforts to dismantle DEI initiatives on college campuses create a chilling effect that silences and erases the perspectives, experiences, … Continue reading Scholarly Publishing for All

Headshot of Brandy Sanchez

Culture of Care

May 1, 2024

According to the 2022 Urban Library Trauma Study from Urban Librarians Unite, nearly 70% of respondents shared that they had experienced violent or aggressive behavior from patrons, while 22% indicated that they experienced similar behavior from coworkers. When working with patrons, many libraries employ trauma-informed care, a practice popular in health care and social work. It … Continue reading Culture of Care

Librarian's Library by Allison Escoto

The Quest for Work-Life Balance

May 1, 2024

Fostering Wellness in the Workplace: A Handbook for Libraries By Bobbi L. Newman Library work culture and wellness have not always gone hand in hand. However, in the post-pandemic landscape, attention to wellness in the workplace has become more prevalent. This informative handbook takes a holistic approach to understanding the concerns of library workers in … Continue reading The Quest for Work-Life Balance