Headshot of Library's Library columnist Reanna Esmail

Finding Funding

January 2, 2024

The Grant Writing Guide: A Road Map for Scholars By Betty S. Lai This is one of those books that accomplishes everything it promises. Divided into manageable tasks, the chapters provide practical advice, sample templates, and guided exercises to help applicants articulate their projects. Lai demystifies the grant writing process while thoughtfully reflecting on its … Continue reading Finding Funding

Photo of ALA Executive Director Tracie D. Hall. Text says "From the Executive Director by Tracie D. Hall"

Our History Is Our Protection

November 1, 2023

King knew the difference between being dejected and being disillusioned, drawing the distinction often in his writings and speeches. While being dejected is a natural reaction to opposition, the latter represents the capitulation of hope. King knew well that hope is needed for struggle. That connection is important for those of us who work in … Continue reading Our History Is Our Protection

On My Mind by Jules LeFort

Closing Access Gaps

November 1, 2023

In addition to having the option to take one college course per semester, incarcerated students can come to a computer lab once a week at their correctional facility. That’s where a student success specialist, a writing tutor, and I provide them with research assistance. My job is to answer questions and help students brainstorm search … Continue reading Closing Access Gaps

Dispatches by Ann Medialle

Cultivating Creativity

November 1, 2023

Acts of imagination include both play and creative endeavors. While play may appear to be merely a pleasurable activity, it serves an important role in human development. Creative endeavors, such as projects or everyday forms of problem-solving, give purpose and meaning to human existence. While libraries can be places for quiet contemplation and intense concentration, … Continue reading Cultivating Creativity

Academic Insights by Willa Liburd Tavernier

Community Creation

November 1, 2023

In a diverse local and global information ecosystem, maintaining community and trust is paramount, but increasingly difficult. Participatory processes and collective action can help address concerns and empower groups. Public open digital scholarship holds promise to achieve these ends. Below I highlight three of the Indiana University (IU) projects I have been involved in that … Continue reading Community Creation

Librarian's Library by Allison Escoto

Supporting Marginalized Patrons

November 1, 2023

  Libraries and Homelessness: An Action Guide By Julie Ann Winkelstein As many communities face increasing houseless populations, public library workers are often on the front lines, offering services that may not exist elsewhere. From strategies to implementation, the chapters in this enlightening guide offer hands-on tools and real-world examples of successful programming, as well … Continue reading Supporting Marginalized Patrons

Photo of ALA Executive Director Tracie D. Hall. Text says "From the Executive Director by Tracie D. Hall"

The Good Fight

September 1, 2023

By February 2020, a month before the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, more than 5,500 criminal investigations had been opened in China against health care professionals and journalists accused of “fabricating and deliberately disseminating false and harmful information” about the novel coronavirus. Many were detained and charged with causing fear and hysteria, … Continue reading The Good Fight

Headshot of Kathleen Daniels

Training Wreck

September 1, 2023

The law, known as House Bill 1467, required the state’s department of education to develop what is now known as the Library Media and Instructional Materials Training. It is mandatory for all public school library media specialists and instructs library staffers to “err on the side of caution” when choosing materials. As of January 2023, … Continue reading Training Wreck