ALA President Jim Neal

Our Shared Responsibility

September 1, 2017

The 120,000 libraries of all types across the US—public, school, academic, government, special—are an essential component of the national information infrastructure, and library workers are critical leaders in their communities. We stand for individual rights, democracy, diversity, intellectual freedom, and social responsibility. We are trusted, helping to address community concerns and needs, and championing our … Continue reading Our Shared Responsibility

ALA President Jim Neal

Leaders in the Library

July 19, 2017

In addition to the many remarkable speakers and presentations that made the conference a rich educational experience, the work of the Association is also noteworthy: The Conference Accessibility Task Force issued recommendations for accessibility improvements at upcoming conferences. The Chapter Relations Communications Task Force issued a report to help improve chapter engagement with ALA. A … Continue reading Leaders in the Library

Julie B. Todaro

At the Heart of Our Work

June 1, 2017

I continue to be honored to represent our profession in our ongoing and successful challenge to federal funding issues. And we continue to communicate and educate stakeholders about our work, its value, and the very need for our existence. Many libraries face similar challenges more regularly, and I have a newfound appreciation and respect for … Continue reading At the Heart of Our Work

Julie B. Todaro

Fight for Libraries

May 1, 2017

Right now, here are some possible scenarios with regard to the federal budget: We win most: The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), and Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) are funded but partially cut. We win a few: IMLS and LSTA are funded but seriously cut, and IAL … Continue reading Fight for Libraries

Julie B. Todaro

Our Way Forward

March 1, 2017

In my columns and interviews over the past eight months of my presidency, I have focused primarily on ALA’s values and the values of our profession. As a result, I invariably receive a myriad of emphatic emails from people who often tell me that I can’t tell them how to think or what to value. … Continue reading Our Way Forward

Julie B. Todaro

Moving Forward Together

January 3, 2017

Being all things to all people, however, is impossible. This is why the Association steps in, to set the vision and tone for professionals to follow throughout their working days, though it is not always easy. In the past months I have experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, and I have … Continue reading Moving Forward Together

Julie B. Todaro

The Expert in the Library

July 20, 2016

With this in mind, I challenged myself to not only build on ideas and successes within the Association and the profession but also reinforce themes I have focused on throughout my career. All the work on presidential initiatives is coordinated with teams of member experts as well as Association employee experts. Thus, Libraries Transform: The … Continue reading The Expert in the Library

Sari Feldman

Gaining Insight

May 31, 2016

Thanks to my colleagues, I heard incredible stories about the library professional’s role in education, employment, entrepreneurship, engagement, and empowerment. From the librarian who stood for intellectual freedom by fighting to keep LGBT titles in her collection to the professional who developed a social media curation tool to support academic research at his university, there … Continue reading Gaining Insight

Sari Feldman

Connecting with Cuba

May 2, 2016

In February, I led the first official delegation of American librarians and library supporters to Cuba for the Havana International Book Fair. I learned that the country had a longstanding commitment to literacy, and I began my visit with a meeting of renowned Cuban library leaders, including the remarkable Marta Terry González, and our own … Continue reading Connecting with Cuba

Sari Feldman

How to Create Impact

March 1, 2016

Although each priority has an individual implementation plan, it is at the intersection of our three strategic directions where we achieve the greatest impact. The National Library Card Sign-Up Month is one example of how the three priorities of the ALA strategic plan come together. Library Card Sign-Up Month events and campaigns add value to … Continue reading How to Create Impact