Alexis Watts demonstrates Robo-Book.

Penguin’s Book Buzz

June 28, 2015

The following is a list of the titles they announced, with release dates, and in some cases, a blurb from the presentation. Adult The Hours Count By Jillian Cantor October 2015 The Gates of Evangeline By Hester Young September 2015 “A supernatural thriller.” Fates and Furies By Lauren Groff September 2015 “A story of a … Continue reading Penguin’s Book Buzz

Amazon box

Amazon Squeezes Publishers

June 3, 2015

In part, that means that we’ve started to pay attention to the many, many midlist or indie presses that have started drastically boosting their output. We also have started (and it’s about time) to more closely track the many new players of an emerging ecosystem of publishing, not just here, but abroad. A case in … Continue reading Amazon Squeezes Publishers

ALA’s DCWG, Ebooks, and Directions

May 27, 2015

Two issues came to the fore in the fall. Adobe Digital Editions experienced a privacy breach that led to unencrypted personal information being transmitted online. DCWG responded, and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) and ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) assisted with technical and policy advice. Adobe took quick action to address the … Continue reading ALA’s DCWG, Ebooks, and Directions

Big Five publishers ebook matrix

Publishers, Distributors, and Consortia

April 22, 2015

Among the Big Five, only Hachette Book Group does not offer public libraries the opportunity to license its ebooks through consortia. Hachette says it evaluates each consortium on a case-by-case basis “using criteria including number of libraries, size of population, and circulation numbers.” Some consortia have been approved. The other publishers say they license to … Continue reading Publishers, Distributors, and Consortia

Steve Potash, founder and CEO of OverDrive.

Newsmaker: Steve Potash

March 27, 2015

Presumably the acquisition of OverDrive by Rakuten will strengthen OverDrive. How will that lead to a better experience for libraries as OverDrive customers and for their users? Steve Potash: The first and the most obvious win for our library and school partners is going to be more content. Because Kobo has been operating globally, we … Continue reading Newsmaker: Steve Potash

Spirits of Oz

Leading Self-Publishing Efforts in Communities

February 27, 2015

Any library can position itself to guide local authors toward becoming savvy and competent independent publishers. Ebooks and print-on-demand options leverage the strength of their platforms to reach larger audiences and make publishing possible within the library. Libraries can support the growth and autonomy of local writers by connecting them to relevant technology, tools, and … Continue reading Leading Self-Publishing Efforts in Communities

Digital Resources in School Libraries

June 18, 2014

With the advent of the digital revolution and the opportunities and challenges that this disruption provides, the school librarian is one of the most prepared professionals to make momentous choices on behalf of students. These choices comprise a broad range of options that include hardware, software, age appropriateness, access, pricing models, collaboration with classroom teachers … Continue reading Digital Resources in School Libraries


The Unpackaged Book

June 25, 2013

Snow Fall. After several years of hypothetical discussion about the possibilities of transmedia, it took a sportswriter working for a newspaper to demonstrate the power of internet-based publishing. In a single blow, the New York Times reset the bar for interactive online narratives. Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek is a gripping story of … Continue reading The Unpackaged Book


Ebooks in 2013

June 24, 2013

Sadly, ebooks have not only failed to deliver on much of their promise, they have become a vast lost opportunity. They are becoming  a weapon capable of considerable social damage; a Faustian technology that seduces with convenience, particularly for those who consume a great many books, but offers little else while extracting a corrosive toll … Continue reading Ebooks in 2013