Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

June 4, 2012

Looking back. Two years ago, I learned that I had won the ALA election. I felt exhilarated but also somewhat uneasy. Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels told my husband that I was ALA’s for the next couple of years. As president-elect, I worked hard to plan initiatives, appoint committees, and travel to conferences and speaking engagements. I … Continue reading Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Laurie Borman


May 19, 2012

Transforming sounds like such a magical process. In a glittery whirlwind, Cinderella is transformed from rag-covered servant to bejeweled beauty in a ball gown. Unfortunately, transforming rarely occurs in fairy-tale fashion. It’s a process that takes time, determination, and effort by dedicated teams. Glass slippers and fairy wands are strictly optional. In our May/June 2012 … Continue reading Transformations

Keith Michael Fiels

On a Screen Near You

May 16, 2012

Two items discussed during the ALA Executive Board Spring Meeting, held April 20–22, 2012, at the Association’s Chicago headquarters, illustrate the wide range of issues and activities affecting our members and their libraries. The board approved procedures and guidelines for ALA’s first Virtual Membership Meeting and discussed the current impasse regarding ebooks and libraries and … Continue reading On a Screen Near You

My Year of RDA

April 18, 2012

I’ve been a librarian for 30 years and have seen a lot of changes during that time. I’ve welcomed them as new challenges, even as I’ve seen many of my older colleagues become very negative—whining, complaining, and vowing to retire before they have to alter their ways. But in the past couple of years, the … Continue reading My Year of RDA


Data, Data Everywhere

April 16, 2012

I’m sure you found all of these as fascinating as I did, undoubtedly also wondering where this was going. These facts and a few gazillion others come to you courtesy of Factual, the brainchild of mathematician Gilad Elbaz, who gave us the company that is now Google’s AdSense. In Factual’s 500 terabytes of storage, there’s … Continue reading Data, Data Everywhere

The Guide on the Side

April 10, 2012

Many librarians have embraced the use of active learning in their teaching. Moving away from lectures and toward activities that get students using the skills they’re learning can lead to more meaningful learning experiences. It’s one thing to tell someone how to do something, but to have them actually do it themselves, with expert guidance, … Continue reading The Guide on the Side

Let’s Put an End to Socialized Intellectual Property

April 1, 2012

Ed. note: The following is the text of a speech given April 1 by retired United States Rep S. Douglas Maynard before the 4th Annual Restore Intellectual Property Protection for Economic Recovery Summit and Retreat. First of all, to the members of Restore Intellectual Property Protection for Economic Recovery, I wish to extend my sincere … Continue reading Let’s Put an End to Socialized Intellectual Property

Hot Issues Drive ALA Presidential Priorities

March 30, 2012

The focus on electronic publishing and access through libraries to digital editions (ebooks) has been intense, particularly in recent months. The policies and practices of the “Big Six” publishers—Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin, Random House, and Simon & Schuster—in relation to access to ebooks through libraries (or lack thereof), have elicited strong responses from across the library … Continue reading Hot Issues Drive ALA Presidential Priorities