Hispanic Heritage Month

October 10, 2012

From mariachi performances to quinceañera fashion shows, libraries around the country found inventive ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, which takes place from September 15 to October 15 in recognition of the contributions of people whose ancestors come from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. ¡Viva la diversidad!

An Interview with John Chrastka

October 10, 2012

John Chrastka, ALA’s director of membership development from 2003 to 2011, didn’t leave library advocacy behind when he resigned from ALA to devote more time to his start-up consulting agency. First, he was already on the Berwyn (Ill.) Public Library board (where he has served for six years). Now, in characteristically maverick fashion, Chrastka has … Continue reading An Interview with John Chrastka

MeL Turns Twenty

October 9, 2012

Before Google, before Amazon, before Netscape, IE, or Bing, before the New York Times ever printed the phrase World Wide Web, there was the Michigan eLibrary. Known as MeL for short, this pioneering statewide information network is celebrating its 20th anniversary in October. The milestone was marked by a gala event October 4 that gathered … Continue reading MeL Turns Twenty

Community Connections

October 1, 2012

Has your library ever thought about using technology and communitywide projects to connect with customers? It’s not easy to pull off, but if you’re successful, your library can make new friends and contacts and can provide useful knowledge or entertainment for the community along the way. Topeka, where David works, has done a number of … Continue reading Community Connections

The RFID Opportunity

September 17, 2012

In March, the National Information Standards Organization adopted RFID in US Libraries (RP-6-2012), establishing ISO 28560-2 as the recommended practices for coding data on the RFID tags used in libraries for shelving, circulation, sorting, inventory, security, and interlibrary loans. The final adoption of this data model is a big step toward standardization and interoperability among … Continue reading The RFID Opportunity

Meredith Farkas

Let’s #makeithappen

September 10, 2012

Have you ever seen something in your work that you wanted to change but did nothing about it? What stopped you? Maybe you didn’t do it because you were too busy, but maybe you also felt that creating change was too daunting and you didn’t feel capable of making it happen. So many talented people … Continue reading Let’s #makeithappen

The Campaign Is On to Form the Nation’s First Library PAC

September 4, 2012

The tweet announcing the formation of the EveryLibrary.org campaign came a day earlier than its founder and executive director John Chrastka had intended, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Within four hours of Kate Tkacik’s post to Tumblr, donors had contributed $400 toward EveryLibrary’s goal of raising $50,000 by November 7 with the interests … Continue reading The Campaign Is On to Form the Nation’s First Library PAC

Maureen Sullivan

The Year Ahead

September 4, 2012

I look forward to this year in which I have the privilege of serving as ALA president. To prepare for this important role I acted on the very good advice of a number of our past presidents and took advantage of every opportunity in my president-elect term to lay a strong foundation for what I … Continue reading The Year Ahead


Is God Really a Librarian?

September 4, 2012

This old Irish joke is as old as the sod: “It’s always puzzled me,” said the Irishman, looking up from his newspaper, “how every time the Lord gets it right. People always seem to be dying in alphabetical order.” The other Irishman responds, “I guess that means God is a librarian.” I was reflecting the … Continue reading Is God Really a Librarian?