Keith Michael Fiels

The Advocacy Continuum

May 8, 2015

Over the last year and a half, we have been talking a lot with members about advocacy and the strategic direction of the Association for the coming years. In dozens of kitchen-table conversations, chapter forums, virtual town hall meetings; in conversations with divisions, round tables, committees, and affiliates; and in discussions with Council and the … Continue reading The Advocacy Continuum

Kentucky’s appeals court ruled in favor of public libraries in two counties, reversing a decision that would have required them to refund millions in tax dollars

A Victory for Kentucky Libraries

March 20, 2015

In April 2013, Kentucky Circuit Courts ruled against the Campbell County Public Library and the Kenton County Public Library, a decision that would have resulted in the libraries losing property tax revenues dating as far back as 1979. Local library advocates appealed the ruling, and the Kentucky Court of Appeals has announced its decision to … Continue reading A Victory for Kentucky Libraries

Linda Braun

Outcomes-Based Futures

December 18, 2014

Three-dimensional printers, apps, social networks. It’s easy to get caught in the trap of responding to the newest tech­nology or educational stratagem when planning your program of service for youth and their fami­lies. Instead, start by thinking about the impact you want to have on children and teens and develop services that support those. For … Continue reading Outcomes-Based Futures

Publishers Weekly honors ALA for ebook advocacy

December 1, 2014

On December 1, Publishers Weekly lauded ALA Digital Content and Libraries Working Group former cochairs Sari Feldman and Bob Wolven in the publication’s annual “Publishing People of 2014” recognition for their role in advocating for fair library ebook lending practices. In 2011–2014, Feldman, ALA president-elect and executive director of the Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Public Library, … Continue reading Publishers Weekly honors ALA for ebook advocacy

New Mexico Supports Bond B and other Library Bonds

November 7, 2014

Library bond issues were successful statewide in the 2014 New Mexico general election on November 4. State General Obligation Bond B, providing $10.8 million for public, academic, public school, and tribal libraries passed by an unofficial margin of 115,211 votes. With 280,177 yes votes and 164,966 no votes, Bond B won with 62.9% in favor, … Continue reading New Mexico Supports Bond B and other Library Bonds

Update: 6 Referenda to Watch

November 6, 2014

On Tuesday, we previewed six pivotal referenda across the country that put the fate of local library funding up for a vote. With all precincts now reporting, here’s a look at how the ballots were cast: Funding Approved Cape Elizabeth, Maine – Voters approved a plan to renovate and expand the Thomas Memorial Library. Falmouth, Maine … Continue reading Update: 6 Referenda to Watch

Fund a Free for All

October 24, 2014

A Kickstarter campaign to fund Free for All: Inside the Public Library, a documentary that celebrates the spirit and history of America's free public libraries, is in its final hours. Filmmakers Dawn Logsdon and Lucie Faulknor need to raise less than $10,000 by Monday, October 27, to reach their goal of $75,000. Logsdon and Faulknor … Continue reading Fund a Free for All

Banned Books Week Celebrates Comics

September 22, 2014

Banned Books Week, running September 21–27, offers libraries everywhere an opportunity to celebrate challenging (and challenged) literature and let their communities exercise their freedom to read. This year is devoted to comics and graphic novels, and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF)—a nonprofit organization devoted to free speech and defending comic book readers, retailers, … Continue reading Banned Books Week Celebrates Comics

Travel Grants for San Francisco

September 17, 2014

Deadline: October 1, 2014 Penguin Young Readers Group Award Description: Up to four children’s librarians can receive a stipend to attend their first ALA Annual Conference. Award amount: $600 Requirement: Must be ALSC member Administered by: ALSC Sponsored by: Penguin Young Readers Group Deadline: December 1, 2014 Baker & Taylor Conference Grant Description: Two grants for … Continue reading Travel Grants for San Francisco

Children in Crisis

September 17, 2014

Sylvia Cisneros, president of Reforma: The National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, delivered 225 Spanish-language children’s books to the Rio Grande Processing Center in McAllen, Texas, September 10, as part of the organization’s effort to help meet the social and emotional needs of unaccompanied children from Central … Continue reading Children in Crisis

Courtney L. Young

Advocate. Today.

September 12, 2014

The first few months of my tenure as president of ALA have been amazingly full and rewarding. At once exhilarating, educational, and sometimes exhausting, this time has reinforced one of my own longest and deeply held convictions: Libraries are powerful. They shape minds, bolster economies, and anchor communities of every size in every corner of … Continue reading Advocate. Today.