Keith Michael Fiels

Advocacy School Is in Session

September 1, 2016

With a sustained national advocacy campaign our first priority, the Libraries Transform public awareness program launched last year. More than 3,000 libraries and supporters have already signed on to be part of the campaign. Last year we saw 144,001 page views of, 12,387 downloads of the library toolkit, 22,000 #LibrariesTransform mentions on Twitter, 65,000 … Continue reading Advocacy School Is in Session

Joseph Janes

Knowledge for the Win

September 1, 2016

The implication is clear: Those books are his pathway to a better life after the grime and gore and folly of the war. At the bottom we are reminded “Public library books are free,” and emblazoned across the top, in a strong but inviting serif font, all in gold capital letters: KNOWLEDGE WINS. It’s an … Continue reading Knowledge for the Win

Richard Kong, Barbara Gubbin, Kate Park

Libraries That Listen

June 26, 2016

Moderated by Dick Waters, principal consultant with Godfrey’s Associates, the program offered both Friends group and library director perspectives on how leveraging what your customers and advocates tell you can create change. Kate Park, executive director of Friends of the Dallas Public Library, talked about how when she started in 2012, the 23 Friends groups … Continue reading Libraries That Listen

John Fuduric, owner of The Cleveland Brewery, who used library resources to print unique beer taps for his business.

Library Advocacy Video Premieres at PLA

April 6, 2016

The video featured John Fuduric, owner of The Cleveland Brewery, who used the local library’s 3D printer to create custom keg tap handles, and helped demonstrate how libraries assist local entrepreneurs in unusual ways. “Policy makers, community decision makers, and funders do not always recognize the expanded roles and capabilities of libraries nor recognize the extent … Continue reading Library Advocacy Video Premieres at PLA

Help preserve funding for the LSTA and IAL

Fight Cuts to Library Services

March 10, 2016

While the American Library Association (ALA) is working in Washington to protect critical library funding, members of Congress respond best when they hear from their constituents. Take a few minutes to call, email, or even tweet your representative and both of your senators to request that they add their names to two letters supporting LSTA … Continue reading Fight Cuts to Library Services

Keith Michael Fiels

Every Student Succeeds

March 1, 2016

Examples of these changes include new provisions in the ESSA regarding local education agencies assisting schools in developing effective school library programs to provide students the opportunity to develop digital literacy skills and other ways to improve academic achievement. The bill also authorizes states and local educational agencies to use these federal funds to support … Continue reading Every Student Succeeds

Sari Feldman

How to Create Impact

March 1, 2016

Although each priority has an individual implementation plan, it is at the intersection of our three strategic directions where we achieve the greatest impact. The National Library Card Sign-Up Month is one example of how the three priorities of the ALA strategic plan come together. Library Card Sign-Up Month events and campaigns add value to … Continue reading How to Create Impact

Student banner inside DuSable High School, Chicago.

Sara Sayigh Reinstated at Chicago Public School Library

December 18, 2015

Sayigh, a 13-year veteran in the school system, is the sole librarian at the former DuSable High School building, which now houses two majority African-American public schools and a charter school. She tells American Libraries that she is one of the few remaining librarians at a majority African-American high school in the city. Students of … Continue reading Sara Sayigh Reinstated at Chicago Public School Library

Keith Michael Fiels

Support School Libraries!

September 4, 2015

In some communities, we see that testing pressures and budget decisions have led to the elimination of school libraries and school  ­librarians. In some districts, we see that school libraries are seen as a “frill”—nice to have but not essential to student learning. Yet school libraries and school librarians are among the most effective and efficient … Continue reading Support School Libraries!

US Capitol, Washington DC

A Policy Revolution for Digital Content

June 23, 2015

The poor and deteriorating state of library ebook lending in 2011 catalyzed this initiative. Waiting for publishers to take different actions would have likely worsened the conditions for libraries. A proactive policy stance must become the library community’s mainstream way of thinking and operating. This is true for ebooks and large publishers, but also more … Continue reading A Policy Revolution for Digital Content

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) meets with Iowa Library Association delegates.

Library Advocates Converge on Washington

May 11, 2015

This year’s library advocates were not just librarians; the North Carolina Library Association brought dozens of K–12 students and their parents, while Michigan State Librarian Randy Riley brought his daughter Madeline, who is studying public policy at the University of Michigan. The annual advocacy event kicked off on Monday, May 4, with former Sen. Byron … Continue reading Library Advocates Converge on Washington