Screenshot of President Obama signing the Every Student Succeeds Act, December 10, 2015.

Libraries Win as President Signs ESSA

December 10, 2015

A major reauthorization bill overhauling K-12 education policy–the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)–has been signed into law by President Obama and in a significant victory for ALA’s decade of advocacy efforts, it includes provisions favorable to libraries. ALA President Sari Feldman praised all ALA members, crediting their unified, collective, high-impact messages to their Members of … Continue reading Libraries Win as President Signs ESSA

Capitol Building (Photo: Laurie D. Borman)

Senate Passes Every Student Succeeds Act

December 9, 2015

AASL President Leslie Preddy and ALA President Sari Feldman released the following joint statement regarding today’s developments: “The Senate vote brings America’s schoolchildren one step closer to the school library resources and other tools that they need to succeed as 21st century students. For school-age students, ESSA represents an historic new chapter in federal support … Continue reading Senate Passes Every Student Succeeds Act

Keith Michael Fiels

Support School Libraries!

September 4, 2015

In some communities, we see that testing pressures and budget decisions have led to the elimination of school libraries and school  ­librarians. In some districts, we see that school libraries are seen as a “frill”—nice to have but not essential to student learning. Yet school libraries and school librarians are among the most effective and efficient … Continue reading Support School Libraries!

K. C. Boyd (Photo: Andrew Nelles)

Bookend: Urban Renewal

September 1, 2015

“These are stories that are about inner-city life and urban life, and the kids could really relate,” says Boyd, now library media specialist and director of social media at Wendell Phillips Academy High School, where she has worked since 2010. When Boyd began advocating for the urban fiction genre, she was sometimes misunderstood. Many people, … Continue reading Bookend: Urban Renewal

James Patterson

Newsmaker: James Patterson

June 4, 2015

American Libraries: You made headlines last year by giving $1 million dollars in small grants to independent bookstores, and now you’re doing the same for school libraries. The problems bookstores are facing are well known, but school libraries haven’t received as much national attention. Why did you decide to focus on school libraries? That’s exactly … Continue reading Newsmaker: James Patterson

2015 Library Systems Report

Library Systems Report

May 1, 2015

Tied to the economy of libraries, the vendors that make up the library technology industry support a stable but highly constrained economic sector, with global opportunities. Library budgets may never recover to pre-recession levels, fueling interest in technology to improve their efficiency and the impact of collection resources. Products able to deliver efficiency, innovation, and … Continue reading Library Systems Report

A girl reads to Minnie from K9 Reading Buddies of the North Shore.

Dog Therapy 101

December 22, 2014

“I started pitching it at the school, and my principal was absolutely against it,” Weibling tells American Libraries. The former 3rd-grade teacher, who was then working toward her master’s degree in library science, was eager to find new ways to get students excited about reading and comprehension. “Reading therapy dog programs weren’t common knowledge to … Continue reading Dog Therapy 101


Ferguson’s Safe Haven

November 10, 2014

After being informed that classes would be canceled, Carrie Pace, an art teacher at Ferguson’s Walnut Grove Elementary, wanted to do something, anything, to help with the recovery. While driving through town she passed the Ferguson Public Library. That’s where she got the idea to use the facility as a place for kids to go … Continue reading Ferguson’s Safe Haven