All posts by Amy Carlton

Becoming New Americans

Pat Barch, literacy coordinator for the library, says, “Our American Dream project is really very important to us, because the library has been providing citizenship classes for about five years now.” In recognition of the library’s five-year-long commitment to citizenship education, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services invited the library to host its third naturalization … Continue reading Becoming New Americans

Bookend: A History of Women’s Lives

The Alice Marshall Women’s History Collection is named for Alice Kahler Marshall (1923–1997), a local journalist, researcher, and avid collector, who was fascinated by the “contradictions between the realities of women’s lives and the stereotypes of women’s behavior.” The collection, compiled over 50 years, encompasses material on all areas of women’s lives from the 15th … Continue reading Bookend: A History of Women’s Lives

2015 ALA Annual Preview

Annual will also feature a full slate of author programs, award presentations, special events, and other activities. This preview offers a small sample. For a complete listing, visit Conference highlights The Opening General Session, on Friday, June 26, 4–5:15 p.m., will feature Roberta Kaplan, the litigator who helped invalidate a key section of the … Continue reading 2015 ALA Annual Preview

Preserving the Born-Digital Record

This is an issue of integrity, of the collective adherence to a code and standard of values, of maintaining human records as complete, unimpaired, and undivided as possible. The ability to consult the evidence and sources used by researchers and authors will be lost if those digital records are not available. The ability to research … Continue reading Preserving the Born-Digital Record

2015 ALA Annual Must-Dos

Focus on the future As community centers and tech­nology hubs, libraries are always ­forward-focused. ALA’s Center for the Future of Libraries presents various sessions concentrated on the ­Library of the Future. Hear experts from Google, Steelcase, and the Long Now Foundation discuss trends in ­libraries and the latest on innovative learning, online search, and literacy. … Continue reading 2015 ALA Annual Must-Dos

Libraries for All Seasons

Spring also signals the end of the academic year, as students complete end-of-semester assignments and prepare for finals and graduation. It means poring through catalogs and finalizing lists for summer reading programs. To help usher in the season, we look to the opportunities that ensure everyone has libraries on their minds. Spring provides us with … Continue reading Libraries for All Seasons

Library Systems Report

Tied to the economy of libraries, the vendors that make up the library technology industry support a stable but highly constrained economic sector, with global opportunities. Library budgets may never recover to pre-recession levels, fueling interest in technology to improve their efficiency and the impact of collection resources. Products able to deliver efficiency, innovation, and … Continue reading Library Systems Report

Bookend: The Right Notes

The series has helped position the library as a center for creative cultural ­exchange within the UCLA and Los ­Angeles–area communities and has provided a ­pedagogical opportunity for faculty to perform with their students. “I’m rewarded by seeing the concentration and enjoyment on audience members’ faces, and the relief and excitement from the ­faculty and … Continue reading Bookend: The Right Notes