Lessons from Strong Girls School

June 27, 2017

Evans leads an annual program series for girls that addresses inequality and self-esteem issues in her conservative Long Island community. She provided some compelling—and chilling—statistics as to why programs like hers are so badly needed. “By the time a college-educated woman turns 59, she will have lost almost $800,000 throughout her life,” Evans said, referring … Continue reading Lessons from Strong Girls School

Council III: Memorials and Tributes

June 27, 2017

Memorials were read for Eric Moon (M#10), Marija J. Sanderling (M#11), Robert Henry “Bob” Rohlf (M#12), Dorothy Evans (M#13), Joy L. Lowe (M#14), Pauline Manaka (oral acknowledgment), and Amanda Rudd (oral acknowledgment). Tributes were offered for Harry Bruce (T#2), Keith Michael Fiels (T#3), and the 20th Anniversary of Victory in the Communications Decency Act Case … Continue reading Council III: Memorials and Tributes

Anticipating a Crisis

June 27, 2017

Jennings was one of three panelists who headlined “Crisis Communications: Who Speaks for Your Library?,” a joint program presented by the Reference and User Services Association, United for Libraries, and the American Library Association’s (ALA) Chapter Relations Office at ALA’s Annual Conference and Exhibition in Chicago on June 25. “I thought about calling my presentation … Continue reading Anticipating a Crisis

The Social Component

June 27, 2017

Lytle presented new research that suggests there is no evidence of learning from screens for kids at an early age. This is true of infants as well as older toddlers. “If you want more robust learning, you have to have that social component,” she said. She also presented research on video chats such as Skype … Continue reading The Social Component

The Paradox of Belonging

June 27, 2017

“First time I got a note that said, ‘I like you, do you like me?’ Library. First peck kind of kiss? Sorry, library. First refuge for girl who belonged nowhere? Library. Then fast forward to the special relationship that PhD students have with librarians,” Brown said. A researcher and storyteller who has been studying shame, … Continue reading The Paradox of Belonging

Katie McLain (left), reference assistant, and Amanda Civitello, marketing and communications manager, Waukegan (Ill.) Public Library.

Fighting Sexual Harassment in the Library

June 27, 2017

That’s when she decided to say something. In the session “It’s Not Just ‘Part of the Job’: Breaking the Silence on Sexual Harassment in the Library,” McLain and her colleague Amanda Civitello, marketing and communications manager at WPL, defined sexual harassment, identified the behaviors associated with it, discussed how libraries can empower staff, and offered … Continue reading Fighting Sexual Harassment in the Library

Funny Books for Funny Girls

June 27, 2017

November asked panelists first to weigh in on why funny books are important, and why we should take them seriously. As Williams-Garcia explained, “Humor gets us through dark times, like when someone cracks an inappropriate joke that lets us keep going.” Humor can also be subversive. When people object to what younger kids are reading, … Continue reading Funny Books for Funny Girls

Bestselling author Andy Weir delivers his Auditorium Speaker Series presentation.

To Mars and Back

June 27, 2017

Weir detailed his road to the writer’s life during his United for Libraries President’s Session talk at the 2017 American Library Association Annual Conference and Exhibition. It was an upbeat, hilarious affair. Weir is a youthful, relaxed, self-deprecating everyman who seems to be genuinely amazed by his luck and success. Pacing the stage with energy, he … Continue reading To Mars and Back

Council II: Tribute to Keith Michael Fiels

June 26, 2017

Councilor Vivian Bourdeaux, chair of the Council Election Tellers Committee, reported on the election of new representatives to the Committee on Committees (COC) and the Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA) (CD#12.3). Elected to 2017–2018 COC are Ismail Abdullahi, Roberto Carlos Delgadillo, Martin L. Garnar, and Eboni Henri. Elected to the PBA as chapter councilors for … Continue reading Council II: Tribute to Keith Michael Fiels

(L-R): Regina Gong, Nina Exner, Merinda McLure, Sarah Crissinger

Open Educational Resources for Science Liaisons​

June 26, 2017

OER is a learning object, shared under an intellectual property license, that facilitates the 5 Rs: retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute. David Wiley of Lumen Learning created the 5 Rs, and they serve as the foundation of any OER initiative. Crissinger also introduced the concept of Open Pedagogy, which asks students to be involved in the … Continue reading Open Educational Resources for Science Liaisons​