Spare Me the Hype Cycle

May 20, 2013

“Every academic librarian worth her salt is embedded.” “3D printers are so hot right now.” “Are you telling me you don’t have QR code scavenger hunts at your library?” “Your library doesn’t tweet?” “But surely you have a Pinterest site!” Although I’ve been in the profession only a decade, I’ve seen plenty of hyped-up ideas … Continue reading Spare Me the Hype Cycle


Exploring National Parks, Leveraging Social Media

May 16, 2013

Dreaming of a National Park vacation? If so, there just might be a special library for you to visit between hiking and geyser viewing. Author and California State University Stanislaus librarian Maryann Hight volunteers at LeConte Memorial Lodge Library in Yosemite. She researched several unique libraries in national parks and found it was interesting and … Continue reading Exploring National Parks, Leveraging Social Media

Keith Michael Fiels

Defining “Transformation”

May 14, 2013

Libraries of all types are currently undergoing changes that most agree are transformative in nature. But what do we mean when we talk about “transforming” libraries? We mean that we are not just dealing with quantitative change—doing more, for instance—but with qualitative change. This means fundamental change in the very nature of what we do … Continue reading Defining “Transformation”

Maureen Sullivan

Leadership in a Digital Age

April 9, 2013

The increasingly digital context brings challenges and opportunities for librarians, library staff, archivists, and museum professionals. New roles and the competencies required to perform them are evolving. One overriding role for all of us is that of the leader. The complexity of the changes we experience leads to many unfamiliar situations in which deep learning … Continue reading Leadership in a Digital Age

Follow Yourself

April 1, 2013

Do you listen to what customers say online about your library? Oftentimes they’re asking questions or announcing that they’re inside the building. Other times they’re sharing their experiences, both good and bad. But almost all of the time they’re using social media tools like Facebook and Twitter to hold these online conversations. As library professionals, … Continue reading Follow Yourself

Linda Braun

Managing the Managers

March 27, 2013

Sometimes relationships with those up the organizational chart are fantastic. Sometimes they are awful. Whether you work for an angel or a demon, you need to manage the relationship. Since what is required to accomplish that feat is not always obvious, I’ve put together 10 tips for success. Build relationships. Whenever I talk with library … Continue reading Managing the Managers

Too Eager to Please

March 13, 2013

Pity the poor library director, whose job description includes ensuring the work gets done, the patrons are happy, the powers that be (trustees, city managers, regents, deans, principals, school board members, city council members, county commissioners, etc.) are also happy, and library employees are happy. Oh, I forgot one thing: Do all this with a … Continue reading Too Eager to Please

Maureen Sullivan

Community Building

March 13, 2013

All around us, libraries of all types are discovering that as they look outward, they can make a dramatic difference in their communities. Long recognized as trusted educational and cultural institutions, libraries that more actively engage with their communities discover innovative services, increase their relevance, and build deeper community support. Last September, ALA announced the … Continue reading Community Building

Coming to TERMS

March 6, 2013

Two decades after the advent of electronic journals and databases, librarians are still grappling with ways to best manage e-resources. These times of economic austerity are also creating budgetary pressures at many institutions of higher education, with the result that librarians must continually justify their spending on collections and resource management. Techniques for Electronic Resource … Continue reading Coming to TERMS

Just-for-Me Training

March 5, 2013

Librarians in all types of libraries provide training and instruction. Whether it’s for staff or patrons, the timing of the training is usually critical. Teach first-year college students about a database when they have no assignment that requires them to use it and it will likely go in one ear and out the other. Teach … Continue reading Just-for-Me Training